Founding the company back in 1998, Stan’s the man to call with audio issues you don’t know how to fix – or even if you do and you know exactly which products you need. He’ll surprise you with his ideas and help make sure you’re on the right track.
Stan’s knowledge of sound is impressive and he’s built up that knowledge from working in studios recording and mixing, worked with hi-fi and public address products and designed hundreds of sound systems for places like food processing plants, audio art installations, stadiums, tunnels, 2012 Olympics and advertising totems.
He loves a challenge, loves fiddling with electronics and, anything that will improve the impact of sound for the listener. Stan invented the CrystalVox loudspeaker range which is pretty cool even though we had to force him to stop tweaking it so we could finalise the datasheet. He’ll invite you to hear them at our listening hub. Also, if you just want to buy stuff, it’ll make his day (he is the boss after all).